Fast Money Money, Cash Money Collection

Make More Money, Fast AF

Affirmation: I love money, money loves me + it comes to me without harm, frequently and consistently.


What it’s for: Brings you money in the form or cash, discounts, waivers, coupons, free items, job promotions, wage increases and more with little to no work on your behalf.

How to use: Place a couple drops in the palm or your hands and/or over your heart and gently rub into the skin. Say, “I am a money magnet and I’m open to abundance,” as you rub it in.

Ingredients: Olive oil, calendula, basil, cinnamon, crystals


What it’s for: Brings you money in the form or cash, discounts, waivers, coupons, free items, job promotions, wage increases and more with little to no work on your behalf.

How to use: Scrub hands, feet or entire body while in the shower. Say, “I am a money magnet and I’m open to abundance,” as you rub it in. Do not use soap afterwards. Rinse and allow your hands, feet or body to air dry.

Ingredients: Olive oil, ground coffee, calendula, basil, cinnamon

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What it’s for: Bring you money in the form or cash, discounts, waivers, coupons, free items, job promotions, wage increases and more with little to no work on your behalf. Comes in a set of 3. Best used on Thursday’s.

How to use: Boil bag of herbs in spring water. Allow to cool and pour over your head. Say, “I am a money magnet and I’m open to abundance,” as you pour it. Do not use shampoo afterwards. Rinse and allow your hair to air dry. Cover head for 24 hours.

Ingredients: Ground coffee, sea salt, herb, herb, herb, crystals


What it’s for: Bring you money in the form or cash, discounts, waivers, coupons, free items, job promotions, wage increases and more with little to no work on your behalf. Best used on Thursday’s. Use match if possible instead of lighter.

How to use: Place candle in kitchen and light with match. Say, “I am a money magnet and I’m open to abundance,” as you light it. Allow candle to burn down completely. Bury remains in earth anywhere you’re comfortable doing so.

Ingredients: Candle, herb, herb, herb, crystals


What it’s for: Bring you money in the form or cash, discounts, waivers, coupons, free items, job promotions, wage increases and more with little to no work on your behalf.

How to use: DO NOT OPEN JAR. Opening the jar will let out the intentions. Place in pocket, wallet, or under pillow. Charm lasts for 33 days.

Ingredients: Herbal blend, crystals


What it’s for: Try out one of each item. Get Charmed Jar, mini Charmed Scrub, mini Charmed Oil, one Charmed Bath and Charmed Tea Light Candle.


Group rituals are held monthly. DM my page on Facebook if you’d like to join the Facebook Group. Send a screenshot of your payment confirmation.

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The Origin Story

I know they say that money can’t buy happiness… but they’re wrong. A lot of my depression came from a lack mindset. I didn’t feel that I had what I needed and had no idea what steps to take to get closer to it because of the various challenges I had. The solution to 99% of the problems I had were due to not having enough money to do things efficiently.

So when I learned about money rituals I was excited ! I joined someone else’s and got some extra cash. I then purchased money oils from a couple women and those really helped too. After taking a class on how to do a few different spells, I realized I could do it myself. Then I realized I could also do rituals for other people.

The first round of public, group rituals I did went GREAT so I decided to make it an entire collection.

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I post blogs on different spiritual topics as I’m led ! Subscribe so you don’t miss a beat.

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Text ALCHEMIZE to 833-547-2539 to join the other homies in getting weekly Spirit messages sent straight to your phone ! You’ll also get one free reading a year for your b’earthday.